I went with this final built of the UBW control. The reason why I had the Malakir Bloodwitch as a replacement to the Baneslayer Angel as it blocks opposing Bloodwitches and it is anti path of exile and Celestial Purges which is so much better then the Baneslayers in this format. The Luminarch Accession is a beast vs other control decks as it churns out tons of Angels that will win you most of your game.
4 [ZEN] Plains
4 [M10] Glacial Fortress
5 [ZEN] Island
4 [ALA] Arcane Sanctum
1 [ALA] Swamp
5 [ZEN] Swamp
4 [M10] Drowned Catacomb
2 [ZEN] Sphinx of Jwar Isle
2 [ZEN] Malakir Bloodwitch
3 [ARB] Wall of Denial
3 [ZEN] Luminarch Ascension
3 [M10] Jace Beleren
4 [ZEN] Day of Judgment
2 [ALA] Oblivion Ring
4 [ALA] Esper Charm
3 [CFX] Path to Exile
1 [M10] Liliana Vess
1 [ALA] Hindering Light
3 [M10] Negate
2 [CFX] Martial Coup
1 [ALA] Agony Warp
SB: 3 [M10] Flashfreeze
SB: 4 [M10] Celestial Purge
SB: 1 [M10] Baneslayer Angel
SB: 1 [M10] Pithing Needle
SB: 1 [M10] Haunting Echoes
SB: 4 [ZEN] Archive Trap
SB: 1 [ALA] Relic of Progenitus
There were a total of 17 players and the meta game was 3 Jund Decks, 2 Vampires, 1 Boros Bush Whacker, 1 UWR Accession Control, 1 Naya Zoo, 1 RDW, 1 UW Archive control, 2 UBW Control, 1 Artifact control , 1 Rock Ob Nixix Deck, 1 Soldier Deck and some others.
First Match was against Jack who is playing Archive Control Deck.
Game one went to him as I could not stop all the incoming Archive traps that were thrown to me as he decked me out before I could stop him.
Game two I boarded out 4 day of judgement and a path of exile for +4 Archive trap and +1 Haunting Echos
I had an explosive start with Luminarch Accession down and with negates in hand to stop his arvhive traps. He lead with a wall of denial and pass. I had Jace down and and slowly buidling up to 4 counters on the Accession and with a sorin Markov down in turn six he conceeded and it went to game three.
Game three we had to draw as there was not enough time on the round and the game ended 1-1
I will continue later on as I have to be away for the moment!!!!
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