Thursday, 15 October 2009

FNM Report on 13/10/2009

I was pretty sure I have came out with the right choice of deck in a heavy Jund and vampire meta. The clock was ticking and I was eager to perform well in the FNM. Thought to myself that yes I can have at last some real test with my Naya Control deck apart from the constant testing on Magic Workstation. This was my deck built.

4 [ZEN] Mountain
4 [ZEN] Forest
3 [M10] Rootbound Crag
4 [ZEN] Plains
4 [ZEN] Arid Mesa
2 [M10] Sunpetal Grove
4 [ALA] Jungle Shrine

3 [M10] Baneslayer Angel
4 [ARB] Bloodbraid Elf
2 [M10] Bogardan Hellkite
3 [M10] Great Sable Stag

2 [ZEN] Day of Judgment
3 [ALA] Ajani Vengeant
4 [M10] Lightning Bolt
3 [CFX] Path to Exile
4 [M10] Rampant Growth
2 [M10] Pyroclasm
3 [CFX] Volcanic Fallout
2 [M10] Garruk Wildspeaker

SB: 1 [M10] Baneslayer Angel
SB: 4 [M10] Celestial Purge
SB: 1 [ZEN] Day of Judgment
SB: 1 [ALA] Relic of Progenitus
SB: 1 [M10] Acidic Slime
SB: 1 [M10] Tempest of Light
SB: 1 [M10] Great Sable Stag
SB: 1 [ZEN] Summoning Trap
SB: 2 [ZEN] Burst Lightning
SB: 1 [M10] Pithing Needle
SB: 1 [ARB] Behemoth Sledge

I figured out that I need to cut out one Baneslayer Angel from the main deck as there are too many remoal spells in this format and it dies to almsot everything in the Jund and vampire deck, so I increased the amount of removal spell in my Main. Acidic Slime in the sideboard is good to take out the enchantments, artifacts and the Emeria Sky Ruin. Burst of Lightning to take out the Bloodwithches and tempest of light to take out the quests, O-Rings and Journey to Nowhere. 
Round 1 vs Vampire Control
Game one I had Ajani Vengeant down to tap his creatures and lands. I had ample amount of removal spells from path of exile, pyroclasm and Lightning Bolt. I blew up the Opponent Lands and he had no other options to recover from there on. Game two I had two Great Sable Stags for the beatdown and as he could not find any other option to recover I took Round 1.
Round 2 vs Naya Aggro
Game one I had only three lands in play and managed to fend off horde of Wild Nactls and Scute Mobs and I was beaten down in the end by a lone Wholly Thoctar. Game two I had a great start with Ajani Vengeant down tapping down the Opponent land and doing the ultimate destroying the lands. I put down all my creatures and went for the win. Game 3 we had only 5mins left on the round and I was trying to outrace the damage on the board. When it was the last five turns I needed only to get it with four damages as I had a Lightning Bolt in hand but twist of fate Opponent had Ajani Vengeant down and she gained three life to my dismay. The Game ended as a draw.
Round 3 Vs Vampire Blightning
Game one I had pyroclasms and a pair of Great Sable Stag for the beat down and it was a quick easy victory as I flashed in the Hellkite for the win. Game two I was stuck on two lands  as my Opponent rip my hands with blightning and it was soon over for me. Game three I had the Behemoth Sledge equipped on my Great Sable Stag as my bloodbraids and Stags pushed into the fray after successful removing all the vampires on board for the win.
Roud 4 vs Green White Tokens
Game one I mulligan down to five cards with only seeing two lands for the first five turns. My opponent had two Honor of the pure down with a couple of tokens from Conqueror's Pledge for the win as I could not find my day of Judgement. In game two I found my Day of Judgement few turns too late as he had two dauntless escort and tokens down  to mass an army to my dismay.
Round  5 vs Vampire Control
Game one I was had nothing but drawing land after land after fending of the opponent few initial assult as he went for the first game victory with two vampire lords and two Blood Ghast. Game two I had him down to three life as he recovered from three tendrils and his combination of Liliana Vess tutoring up for the much needed cards he need for the win.
The final result was 2-1-2 as I sat down to reflect on the many play mistakes I made and what should have been done to Improve the game play.
The MVP cards which done me credit in all the games so far was Ajani Vengeant , Great Sable Stags and Celestial Purges. The cards which I am considering taking out was the Volcanic fallouts and replacing them with Burst of Lightning and adding one more Day of Judgement to the maindeck. Luck is also an important factor as it helps equalize the games that should have be won but lost. As I conclude this report the deck that came first was the Boros Bushwhacker Deck by Daniel Merrit.

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